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Digital Photography: Part 2- Shooting Challenges and Post Production - BAA182
Digital Photography: Part 2- Shooting Challenges and Post Production This course will challenge you with weekly photo assignments, critiques and advanced skills using your Digital Camera or IPhone. Explore more advanced photography topics including shooting in the raw format, capturing motion, utilizing selective focus, HDR shooting, and more. We will establish an efficient post-production workflow and learn to evaluate, organize and enhance our images using Adobe Lightroom Classic (the computer, not tablet/web-based version). This virtual class will meet live using the Zoom platform, which requires a computer with microphone, camera and internet access. Requirements:Any digital camera, Adobe Lightroom ($10/month subscription required), and a computer capable of running Lightroom. An external hard drive dedicated to your photo library is recommended.
SHRM Essentials of Human Resources Management - BAA132
SHRM Essentials of Human Resources Management Knowledge of HR essentials can make you a better manager, protect your company from needless litigation, and help advance your career. In cooperation with the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), this course covers real-life HR issues including employment law, selecting qualified employees, compensation, the employee performance process, and much more. Earn a Certificate of Completion from SHRM and earn 1.5 CEUs. Cost of class includes required textbook.
Quickbooks Payroll - BAA145
Quickbooks Payroll Enhance your QuickBooks expertise by mastering payroll management! This course covers essential payroll functions, including setting up payroll and employee accounts, distinguishing between employees and 1099 subcontractors, preparing W2s and year-end reports, and managing tax payments efficiently. Prerequisite: Completion of QuickBooks Level 1 or equivalent experience. Course Requirements: 1. Students must activate their My Northshore account prior to the first class. 2. Download and install QuickBooks software before the first class.
Recovery Coach Training Part II-Days 1&2: Addiction Education - HEA302
Recovery Coach Training Part II-Days 1&2: Addiction Education For individuals interested in learning more about addiction. This course provides a thorough overview of addiction science, the various substances of misuse and their effects, and how addiction impacts mental health, physical health, and overall wellness. Stages of change as relates to recovery are examined, along with Motivational Interviewing, an evidence-based method used to help people get 'unstuck' from problem behaviors. Also included are case examples to illustrate how culture plays a role in helping relationships, and how best to remain sensitive to individual differences. Fulfills the 14 hours of required training on Addiction 101, Mental Health, Motivational Interviewing, and Cultural Competency for those pursuing certification as a Massachusetts Addiction Recovery Coach.
Recovery Coach Training: Part II - HEA301
Recovery Coach Academy fulfills 30 of the 60 educational hours required to become a Massachusetts Certified Addiction Recovery Coach. Designed to provide those seeking to work as Recovery Coaches with a thorough overview of addiction science, the various substances of misuse and their effects, and how addiction impacts mental health, physical health, and overall wellness. Stages of change related to recovery are examined, along with Motivational Interviewing, an evidence-based intervention used to promote recovery goal attainment. The course utilizes case studies and experiential exercises that will strengthen the students' cultural awareness and responsiveness to differences. A great deal of time is spent examining the accepted ethical standards for coaches-how best to navigate boundaries and 'stay in the lane' of a Recovery Coach. There are no prerequisites for attending this class; all are welcome. Training participants will receive knowledge and resources designed to help people heal from addiction, whether they are just entering recovery or looking to deepen and sustain their recovery. Topics covered required by the state of Massachusetts for the CARC certification are: Addiction 101, Mental Health, Motivational Interviewing, Cultural Competencies and Ethical Responsibilities. Course materials are included in the cost of the class.
Floral Design II Keep your creativity flowing! Create more challenging arrangements using tropical flowers, exotics, lilies, Dutch flowers, and several species of roses. Use an unusual and diverse variety of greenery and interesting containers to complement each arrangement. Discuss cut flower identification and preservation. Fresh cut flowers and floral supplies are provided in class. Please bring scissors, knife, ribbon cutters and wire cutters to class. Textbook required: (Same as Floral Design I) Please visit to order book, Flower Arranging Complete Guide by Blacklock: ISBN# 9780955239175. Prerequisite: Floral Design I or equivalent experience. Cost of class includes a $150 perishable fee.
From Chaos to Control: Time Management Essentials. - BAA202
From Chaos to Control: Time Management Essentials. Unlock powerful time management strategies to boost your productivity and efficiency! In this course, you'll explore effective systems for setting andachieving goals while minimizing workplace stress. With these tools and techniques, you'll be equipped to tackle today's time challenges and achieve a satisfying balance between work and personal life. Don't just manage your time master it!
Excel Intermediate Learn the techniques for handling large spreadsheets. Use the Solver Add-In analysis tool, the conditional IF function, cell references linking formulas between worksheets, cell and range naming and using named ranges in functions, formatting and customizing charts, the VLOOKUP function and creating a basic macro to automate a regularly used process. Flash drive required:Students must activate their My Northshore account prior to first class.