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SHRM Human Resources
in Business Skills & Technology
SHRM Learning System Certification Prep Course - BAA133

SHRM Learning System Certification Prep Course Establish yourself as a globally-recognized human resource expert by earning the new standard in HR Certification: SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) and SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP). The course is designed primarily for individuals seeking credentials that focus on identifying and testing the knowledge and practical real-life experiences HR professionals around the world need to excel in their careers today. Cost includes required textbook.
SHRM Essentials of Human Resources Management - BAA132

SHRM Essentials of Human Resources Management Knowledge of HR essentials can make you a better manager, protect your company from needless litigation, and help advance your career. In cooperation with the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), this course covers real-life HR issues including employment law, selecting qualified employees, compensation, the employee performance process, and much more. Earn a Certificate of Completion from SHRM and earn 1.5 CEUs. Cost of class includes required textbook.