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Recovery Coach
in Health Care
Recovery Coach Training: Part II - HEA301

Recovery Coach Academy fulfills 30 of the 60 educational hours required to become a Massachusetts Certified Addiction Recovery Coach. Designed to provide those seeking to work as Recovery Coaches with a thorough overview of addiction science, the various substances of misuse and their effects, and how addiction impacts mental health, physical health, and overall wellness. Stages of change related to recovery are examined, along with Motivational Interviewing, an evidence-based intervention used to promote recovery goal attainment. The course utilizes case studies and experiential exercises that will strengthen the students' cultural awareness and responsiveness to differences. A great deal of time is spent examining the accepted ethical standards for coaches-how best to navigate boundaries and 'stay in the lane' of a Recovery Coach. There are no prerequisites for attending this class; all are welcome. Training participants will receive knowledge and resources designed to help people heal from addiction, whether they are just entering recovery or looking to deepen and sustain their recovery. Topics covered required by the state of Massachusetts for the CARC certification are: Addiction 101, Mental Health, Motivational Interviewing, Cultural Competencies and Ethical Responsibilities. Course materials are included in the cost of the class.