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Landscape and Garden Maintenance
in Floral Design
Landscape Garden Maintenance: Spring - AFS200

Enjoy learning on-site in Beverly at the historic Sedgwick Gardens at Long Hill, one of the premiere gardens in New England , managed by the Trustees of Reservations. A hands-on opportunity to participate in spring landscaping and garden maintenance with a professional educator and horticulturist with over 30 years' of experience. Ideal for gardeners, designers, people working in the landscaping field, homeowners, and career changers. The class is held off campus at Long Hill, located at 572 Essex St. Beverly MA.
Gardening in Containers - AFS222

Gardening in Containers Want to add punch to your patios, window boxes and walkways? Add garden containers! Through lecture and demonstration, learn about the best plants for containers, great color combinations, designs and how to maintain healthy and attractive plants. Texture and containers will also be covered.